The Prodigal God A Third Way to Live One of the books that has been a great encouragement to me the past several years is the book "Prodigal God" by Timothy Keller. Dr. Keller pastors a church in New York City called Redeemer Presbyterian Church and he has written and taught extensively on the centrality of the gospel as the foundation for the Christian life and the Church. His book Prodigal God has blessed me and challenged me because of my innate sense of legalism. As Martin Luther once said, legalism is the default mode of the human heart and this is certainly true of me. When I placed my faith in Christ my senior year of college at UW-Eau Claire, there was a lot of things going on my my life that I would just as soon forget. Without mentioning them all, some of the patterns in my life were easy to break and some were hard. While living a life far separated from God in college, it was as though my life w...