God Speaks Through What He Has Spoken Recently I was reading a book by John Stott called "Between Two Worlds" which is Stott's classic book on preaching. Yet in the early pages of the book, I was struck by one of Stott's phrases that doesn't just apply to preaching, but to Bible reading and Bible study in general. Stott makes the pronouncement that God has spoken through his Word, which is absolutely true, but just as importantly, God continues to speak through what he has spoken. When the writer of Hebrews says that God's Word is 'living and active' what the writer is saying is that God has spoken and is continuing to speak, yet sadly, people harden their hearts to God's Word and don't heed his voice (Heb 4:7). It is an ongoing problem for humanity. But another spiritual problem relates to not rebellion, but neglect. Some of us don't hear from God and our spiritual lives are stale and boring, not from rebellion, but neglect o...