What is the liturgy of your life?

Within the past year, the pastor of my church encouraged me to have a formal 'date night' with my wife each week. This was a pipe dream for my wife and I for several years, and we never implemented this idea because of three young children below the age of 9. Baby sitters are hard to find and expensive, kids require constant attention and soccer commitments. It is hard to carve out time for a "date night" because of the ever pressing needs of our kids and money commitments. Yet his excellent suggestion directed us to have a "date night" at our dining room table at home. Now each week, we put the kids in the basement with their favorite video and a bowl of popcorn, and my wife and I enjoy a candle lit dinner with a store bought dessert and peace and quiet together for a couple of hours. In a planned and formal way, it is a practice that cultivates love and relationship in our marriage that we both look forward to and cherish. You could say that this is...