Why Johnny Can't Preach

The average American spends seventeen times more time watching television than reading. This includes magazines and newspapers. This statistic reflected the huge cultural change that has happened in America over the past decades. We are consumers of information through video and media, rather than in written form as never before. This reality affects not just how we learn, but how we communicate. T. David Gordon has written a book addressing the impact of video on our culture and how it has negatively affected preaching in America, and he recommends some important remedies. Dr. Gordon is a college professor and for 14 years served on the New Testament faculty at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. When Mr. Gordon was struck with cancer and given a short time to live, he sought to write a book that would embody what he felt most strongly about, biblical preaching. In his book, Why Johnny Can't Preach, he laments the problem of bad preaching and talks abou...