Complaining or Praying?

My wife and I are in the throes of child raising seemingly every waking moment of our lives, and one of the things we spend time talking about and thinking about are the forces that shape our children.  My words shape my children, and what I emphasize and what I correct reveal what I value.  My actions shape my children, as they constantly watch my every move and call me out when I have a little ice cream and they are excluded.  The videos, entertainment and culture shapes my children too, as they watch images, see clothing and track with how people behave, often imitating what they see others do.  Recently, friends of mine visited our house and their 14 year old son was constantly wearing a pull over stocking cap as some teenagers are prone to do, even in the hot summer.  Well, my son Daniel was watching this teenager (Spencer) like a hawk, and this teenager quickly become a hero to my son Daniel.   A little while later, Daniel and a group of us traveled to the Taste of Madison, in hot 80 degree weather.  As we left for the event, Daniel insisted on wearing his winter stocking hat.  Why?  Because his hero, Spencer was hearing his stocking cap during the week.  This lesson was a great reminder to me that my son Daniel watches every move and every word of those around him.

As my wife and I watch a culture around us that is quickly changing, increasingly we see injustice and problems that causes us to complain.  As I think of my son Daniel, is he going to grow up watching his father complain or is he going to watch his father pray?  One of the things that the Psalms constantly emphasize is the bringing of  our complaints and burdens to God.  The Psalmist brings his complaints to God as he speaks, "I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me.  When I was in distress, I sought the Lord" (Ps 77:1-2a). If I spent as much time praying as I do on other less noble activities (like internet surfing), I think my attitude about many things would be different.  One book that I've been reading recently that has encouraged and motivated me to pray is the old classic by EM Bounds, Power Through Prayer. (His picture at right).

Prayer is one area where I never arrive, and always seeking to grow.  As my son watches me and I watch him grow up, one of the questions I have asked myself recently is, will my son Daniel watch me complain or watch me pray?  He is watching, but what will I model?


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