
Showing posts from 2018

Beauty Driven Duty

Whether we know it or not, our lives and communities are walking billboards for Christianity.  Recently I visited a Christian university for homecoming and one thing that stood out to me was the joy of the students.  Everyone greeted us with a sense of excitement.  Our visit was encouraging and uplifting because of the joy that surrounded us.  It got me to thinking, how is my joy quotient?  When people are around me, do they sense joy, or a lack of joy?   Joy is not something that needs to be painted on the face of the Christian, but instead is the natural result of correctly understanding the love of Christ for sinners. When the gospel is rightly understood, it should kindle a sense of Christ's beauty.   Tony Reinke in his book "John Newton and the Christian Life" reminds us that a life without joy in Christ is a life that lacks proper focus.  The Christian life is about vision, a proper vision of Christ.  Reinke writes, "when your...

Love God with Your Time

As a pastor, one of my most difficult tasks in life is to eat what I cook.  It's easy to preach through the Old and New Testament Scriptures each week.  I love to study and communicate the truth of the Bible.  Actually applying the truth of the Bible to myself each week?  Well, as the Wizard of Oz said in the movie, "that's a horse of a different color!"  When Jesus taught his disciples about priorities and about what to prioritize in terms of obedience, Jesus set the priorities in the context of love.  Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  Jesus merely pointed out the obvious.  Love shows itself in how we use our time, our money and our talents.  I prioritize time with my kids and wife if I truly love and value them.  I prioritize time for golf if it is a love that pushes other things to the side.  During the course of life, sometimes I have more money, sometimes less.  Other times I have more energy, som...

The Pain of Porn

One of the attention grabbing headlines of the past several years was Playboy Magazine's announcement that they would no longer offer nude photographs in their magazine. One Twitter feed recently explained the reason why... "Breaking News: Playboy to stop publishing nude pictures, leaving men only 79,895,422 places to access photos of naked women." The internet is the new environment for the unspeakable. A Gallup poll released in June 2018 states that 43% of Americans believe pornography is morally acceptable. Polls show that young people believe that "failure to recycle" is a worse sin than pornography. We now live in an age of access, with the resulting devastating effects. Movie producer and director Harvey Weinstein spent a lifetime in the movie industry, often featuring gratuitous nudity in Oscar winning films such as "Shakespeare in Love". Sadly, the litany of alleged sexual assaults leveled against Weinstein are merely the by-product of ...

Why Johnny Can't Preach

The average American spends seventeen times more time watching television than reading.  This includes magazines and newspapers.  This statistic reflected the huge cultural change that has happened in America over the past decades.  We are consumers of information through video and media, rather than in written form as never before. This reality affects not just how we learn, but how we communicate. T. David Gordon has written a book addressing the impact of video on our culture and how it has negatively affected preaching in America, and he recommends some important remedies. Dr. Gordon is a college professor and for 14 years served on the New Testament faculty at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.  When Mr. Gordon was struck with cancer and given a short time to live, he sought to write a book that would embody what he felt most strongly about, biblical preaching.  In his book, Why Johnny Can't Preach, he laments the problem of bad preaching and talks abou...