The Lies That Girl's Believe
This young lady (H.E.R.) that sang America the Beautiful at the Super Bowl seems very nice. But let me say I feel very protective of my 9 year old and 12 year old daughters that were watching. I want them to learn that their sexual beauty should be reserved for their husbands. I want them to learn about the power of modesty. I should have been more prepared for Super Bowl viewing with my family in view of past Super Bowls, but I will be more prepared next year.
Let me recommend a book to you that we use in our church to great effect. "The Lies Girls Believe & The Truth That Sets Them Free" by Dannnah Gresh (Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth also contributes).
This book reminds girls of the power they possess because of the beauty of God's design. Yet this book also teaches the power of modesty and the beauty you possess irrespective of your body. My favorite chapter title is the lie that "pretty girls are worth more." This lie is promoted silently every day in movies and on the internet. Dads and moms have an enormous responsibility to raise their children and not let the lies of the culture influence our girls. What I often say here at church is "if you don't disciple your child, the internet will disciples your child." Another of my favorite quotes from this book is "we don't do what people who are not Christians do." This is book is absolute gold in the way it presents biblical truth for young girls.
If you looking for discipleship resources for young girls, I highly recommend this book. We can all thank God we live in a country with such great resources. Let's pray together that God uses us to raise a godly generation of girls.
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